Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Raychel Harvey Jones | 5 things we know about the Gatlinburg wildfires

SEVIERVILLE, Tenn. — Gatlinburg's devastating fire that left hundreds of homes and businesses significantly damaged or destroyed started on a blustery Monday night when embers from a wildfire on Chimney Tops Trail in Great Smoky Mountain National Park blew into the area.
The resulting flames swept through Gatlinburg, about 10 miles up the mountain from here, in less than 15 minutes, fanned by winds at speeds that approached 90 mph.

More people could be dead

Though officials have confirmed seven deaths as of Wednesday, many are worried about additional fatalities because several people still are missing. Debris and downed power lines have limited authorities' abilities to explore. Read More......

Raychel Harvey Jones | Android malware infects 1M accounts globally

SAN FRANCISCO — A new variant of a well-known malware program has infected more than one million accounts via phones that run older versions of Google's Android operating system, mostly outside the U.S., a security firm reported Wednesday.
The malware, dubbed Googlian, is delivered via apps downloaded from non-approved, third-party app sites. That's made users outside the U.S., who are more likely to use these sites, more vulnerable. It affects an estimated 1,000 users in the United States.

"The Gooligan campaign most heavily affects Android users in Asia. That’s likely because users there rely more on third-party app stores. In the United States, Android users stick to Google Play for apps," said Check Point spokeswoman Ali Donzanti. Read More......